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分类:台词时间:2017-09-06 14:19:30关键词:英语电影台词,电影台词




《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》


1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 


2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。


3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。


《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》


1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 


2.Stupid is as stupid does.蠢人做蠢事(傻人有傻福)。 


3.Miracles happen every day.奇迹每天都在发生。 


4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.我和珍妮形影不离。 


5.Have you given any thought to your future?你有没有为将来打算过呢。


《The Lion King狮子王》


1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 


2. I laugh in the face of danger.越危险就越合我心意。


3. I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。 


4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。 


5. It's like you are back from the dead.好像你是死而复生似的。 


《Gone with The Wind 乱世佳人》 


1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts.土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。 


2.I wish I could be more like you.我要像你一样就好了。 


3.Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远 


4.I think it's hard winning a war with words.我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用。


5. Sir, you're no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.先生,你可真不是个君子,小姐,你也不是什么淑女。




1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.外表看,我是个教养良好的小姐,骨子里,我很反叛. 


2.We're the luckiest sons-of-bitches in the world.我们是真他妈的走运极了.(地道的美国国骂) 


3.There is nothing I couldn't give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open you're heart to me. 如果你不违背我,你要什么我就能给你什么,你要什么都可以.把你的心交给我吧.


4.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.读大学的目的是找一个好丈夫. 


5.All life is a game of luck. 生活本来就全靠运气。
